
Episode 6: Trogdor and the Love Delta

thorvald the Great and Mighty said...
I think that Thor should ravage and destroy a McDonalds... I might cry a tear of happiness if this happens. Also, the myna should be named something really feminine, like "rainbow dust". Oh and the origin of 'Neil-ism' can only be found in the legendary piñata, made from the carcass of the ancient beast known as Trogdor... that should be enough.

Robert van Wye said...

John Medfords said...
They should take Thor to a circus and introduce him to cotton candy. The blue kind.

Syonik said...
The myna should be named "valkyrie" as i said before it was introduced.

As we continue…
As they leave Frodo’s house, Thor can’t help but think that there was something slightly odd about that Neilist. So they decide to investigate further into the origin of Neilism. But first, some food.
“Where do you want to eat?” Keldon asks Neil.
“I don’t know, where do you want to eat?”
“I don’t know, where do…hey! I asked you first!”
“Well, there’s always McDonalds.”
As they approach the building, Thor espies the golden arches.
“This is a symbol of evil! This building and all associated with it must be a corporation that embodies all the evils of mankind!”
So he whips out his hammer, gives the wall a mighty smack, and waits for it to crumble. It doesn’t. He hits it one more time. Nothing.
“Kamehameha!” he yells and thwacks it again with all his force.
The building suddenly explodes outward with a mighty boom.
“Now what do we eat?” asks Keldon.
“How about T-Bell?” Neil responds.
So they head over to the nearest Taco Bell. It happens to be closed for renovations, however, so they decide to instead take a road trip down to Mexico.
“Are we there yet?” Thor asks.
“No.” Keldon answers.
“How about now?”
“No! Don’t ask me again. We’ll get there when we get there!”
“Keldy, Thor’s poking me!” Neil whines.
“He called my myna Rainbow Valkyrie!”
“It has a colorful sheen!”
“But that’s a girly name!”
“How do you know it’s not a girl?”
“Well I just don’t like that name.”
“I like the name.” Kelsey interjects.
“You stay out of it!”
“Well I was just giving my opinion.”
“QUIET!!!” Keldon yells. “Now then, everyone will be completely silent until we finally get to the…oh look, there’s the border!”
They pass across the border and immediately find a nice little restaurant. They head inside and order some food. After they’ve all eaten their fill of burritos and guacamole they head back outside. Neil is immediately attacked by fifteen people wearing clothes bearing anti-Neil sentiment.
“It’s just a name, I had nothing to do with it! It’s out of my control! Why are you attacking me?”
They continue to beat him. After a few minutes slowly pass by, Thor decides to help Neil. With one mighty swing of his hammer he sends the Neilists flying through the air until they eventually set down (softly in a tree) in Paraguay.
“Why do people keep attacking me just because my name is Neil?”
“Psssst,” whispers a shady looking character from a little alleyway between the rundown buildings.
They walk over and ask him what he wants.
“I know the origin of this ‘Neilism.’”
“What is it?”
“When my great-grandfather Pepe de la Boca Grande defeated the great monster Trogdor he split open the stomach and found something inside. It, when studied closely, was the scratching of his last victim. It said ‘Lien.’ Since lien is Neil backwards, many people decided that Neil must be the name of the Evil One. So they have been finding and killing all the Neils that they can.”
“But that’s completely absurd!” Kelsey says.
“Meh. We do what we can for entertainment these days,” the smallish man retorts. “The other day we took Trogdor’s carcass and made a giant piñata out of it.”
“That’s disgusting!” Kelsey exclaims.
“We’d better get out of here before more people attack me,” Neil interrupts.
“Well our weapons won’t be ready for three more days so let’s go do something fun.” Keldon says.
“Have you ever been to a circus?” Kelsey inquires of Thor.
“What is that?”
“Let’s go to a circus!” Kelsey exclaims.
Back in the good old U.S. of A. they find a wonderful little circus. They see the rides outside the circus tent and decide to go on a couple.
“Who wants to go on the ferris wheel with me?” Kelsey asks.
Thor and Neil immediately start jumping up and down and shouting, “Me me me me me!”
“Well, I guess you’ll both have to take turns.”
“Dibs on firsties!” Neil says.
“Well, while they’re up there how about I introduce you to cotton candy?” asks Keldon.
A few minutes later.
“What is this amazing concoction? It’s better than fried squirrel! And trust me, that’s good. Get me more.”
“What’s that?”
“We say please.”
“Oh. Get me more…please?”
“That’s better.”
“Your turn!” Kelsey says as she seemingly appears out of nowhere.
“Whoopie! I’ll be back for that cotton candy, Keldon. But it may be a while…”

So we come to the end of the episode. We now see that Thor and Neil must contend for Kelsey’s love. How should they prove their worth and devotion? As always, leave suggestions in the form of comments (which can be found just above the beginning of the episode. Remember, no outcomes, only actions). You give an action, I give an outcome. Updates will usually be on Saturdays.


Liom "Ders" Fjordson said...

Thor slaughters seventeen thousand slithering snakes by firing lightning bolts from his arse, while saying various triumphant catch phrases like; "Careful there's no antidote for that strain of venom!" or "I eat evil.. for breakfast!" Whereas Neil plays the sympathy card (a single golden tear fell from Neil's face, and when it hit the ground it made a sound that was heard across the land. And those who heard the noise said, "A man has been wronged today".) Subsequently they resort to giant robot fighting means.
Or something similar.

Neil The Real Deal said...

three words.. tunnel of love.

James K said...

meanwhile, Keldon should investigate and try to get to the source of the Neil-ists